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Northill CE Academy

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Wraparound Care at Northill

At Northill CE Academy we are very pleased to be able to offer Wraparound Care from 7:30 am - 5:30pm Monday to Friday, during term time, to support our working parents. 


We are working closely, in partnership with Central Bedfordshire Council, to provide high quality and cost effective care as part of the National Wraparound Care Programme. 


We are able to accept tax free childcare vouchers and promote the universal credit offer, to help eligible parents/carers with their childcare costs. 


Our Wraparound Care Club is run by experienced School based staff that know our children and parents well and have excellent relationships with our community. As the club is run by our school, it follows all school policies and procedures, e.g. Safeguarding and Child Protection and GDPR. 


Breakfast Club: 7:30 - 8:50  £5

After School Club:

Short Session  3:30 - 4:30  £5

Long Session  3:30 - 5:30  £10


Booking for sessions is through our 'Arbor' Parent Portal. If you have any questions or queries, please contact our school office either through email, by phone or by Class Dojo.