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Northill CE Academy

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Diocese of St Alban's Multi-Academy Trust

What is the Diocese of St Albans Multi-Academy Trust?


The Diocese of St Albans Multi-Academy Trust was established in September 2016 by the Diocese of St Albans.


Northill converted to the academy and joined the Trust on 1st September 2021.


The Diocese of St Albans Multi-Academy Trust is an inclusive Trust, which works with both Church and community schools across three Local Authorities: Hertfordshire, Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough.


We are passionate about creating and maintaining schools that serve their local communities through the provision of a rich and diverse curriculum underpinned by Christian Values. We are driven by a desire to help schools provide a great education, which has a lifelong, positive impact for children.


The Trust has a shared mission:


Enabling all to flourish: Rooted in God's Love

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full 

John 10:10


We are committed to work with an agreed set of values:


Hope, Nurture, Collaboration, Equality, Respect


Our schools are rooted in their community, and therefore whilst sharing our overarching mission and values, they have a local vision and values too. We encourage all schools to retain a local identity and culture, which is consistent with the wider Trust, but also reflects its own unique character and community.


Click here to find out more about the Trust