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Northill CE Academy

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Northill CE Academy: 

Friends, Parent and Teacher Association


Welcome to the FPTA of Northill CE Academy

Charity Number: 1044916


Who are we?


The Northill Friends, Parents and Teachers Association (FPTA) is a voluntary group of friends, parents, carers and staff.  Together we organise exciting social and fundraising events to enhance and enrich learning opportunities in the school. Through these events we also strive to develop and extend the relationships between parents, carers, teachers and the children of the school whilst also having a lot of fun!


Some of our volunteers have more official roles and titles due to be a registered Charity (see below) but everyone’s efforts, ideas and involvement are important and greatly appreciated. 


FPTA Chair: Sarah Warner

Vice Chair: Jo Cameron
Kat O'Shea
Treasurer: Emma Morris



What we do


We host an AGM in September of each school year and the committee then meets during each half term to discuss finances, forthcoming events and activities and new ideas.


Over the years, we have organised a wide variety of events and activities intended to appeal to all members of our diverse school community. Examples of events include cake sales, movie nights, mufti days, summer fete’s, numerous themed raffles, pamper evenings, children’s Christmas lunch at the village pub, and for the first time last year, our highly successful and much enjoyed Christmas Markets. 



Our Achievements


In recent years, through the funds we have raised, we have purchased

  • New library bookcases and books
  • Garden sheds for forest school and reception/year 1 garden
  • Ten iPads for pupils
  • Bibles for the school’s leavers
  • Subsidised School and Panto trips
  • Subsidised Christmas lunches at the village pub
  • Purchased books to support the school’s phonics scheme
  • Contributed towards the redecoration of the school
  • Helping to fund a flourishing new school garden
  • Plus much much more!


Where can you find us?


We let you know what’s coming up by putting notices on the FPTA noticeboard near to the school front door and also by sending fliers home in the children’s book bags, so please keep a look out for these. Our events appear on the school calendar on this website and we have an active Facebook page (Northill FPTA) which is regularly updated with school social news and upcoming events. 


How can you get involved?


All members of the Northill CE Academy school community are encouraged to participate in our FPTA by providing ideas, energy and assistance with events and activities. 


We love to see new faces at our meetings so if you would like to join the FPTA as a committee member, or can help out now and then at events, please speak to a member of the committee (see names at the top of the page) or a member of staff and you will be made very welcome.


Any suggestions for new fundraising events are always appreciated and if you have any skills or connections that will help with our fundraising, please let us know. Some of you may work for companies who would be willing to donate raffle prizes for events or could maybe offer match-fundraising. The more people who get involved, the less individual time we have to put in and the more fun we have, and ultimately, the more funds we raise for extra resources to enrich the learning opportunities of our children.






We are aware that it is often difficult for parents and carers of the school community to support our initiatives with their time and instead, they may wish to make a donation to our funds instead.  If you would like to do this, we would be delighted to accept a donation via our bank account:


Account name: Northill VA Lower Sch
Sort code: 08-71-99

Account number 02139598



Alternatively, please email 


Thank you for your support and continued contributions – every little bit benefits our school community!