Mercury Class EYFS
Welcome to Mercury Class
The children will be working on mastery within 5 including adding, subtracting, subitising and counting accurately, moving on to numbers to 10 by easter. Using their number knowledge the children will start to measure mass, length, height, time and capacity using practical resources. Finally, they will develop their recognition of 3D shapes and some of their properties.
We are going to be learning about traditional tales focusing on creating wanted posters to describe a character, fact file about the wolf and then retelling the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. Alongside, we will be continuing to introduce new sounds in phonics including y, z, zz and qu. For more information on the sounds the children are learning each week please refer to the videos from Mr White on class dojo.
Our Topic - Into the woods
Expanding on our traditional tales in English, the children will begin by exploring a natural woodland and noting the differences between woodland habitats and other habitats around the local area. They will learn the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees and what plants require to grow and thrive.
They will learn about the art of Andy Goldsworthy who creates masterpieces out of natural materials. Using this inspiration they will create their own masterpieces to develop their fine motor skills.
They will learn about classical music using the story of Peter and the wolf. They will perform their own piece using claves alongside the music service are coming in to work with the children once a week.
The central topic is the importance of our environment and conservations. The children will learn about the challenges that our woodlands face and the role they have in their conservation. Finally, creating an individual pledge to protect the environment for the future and planting their own seeks to grow at home.
Support from home
To support your child at home, you can refer to Mr White's videos on dojo but always remember all opportunities to read and explore the world help your child's education.