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Northill CE Academy

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Meet the Board

Clerk to Governors

Jeni Houghton


To contact Jeni regarding our governing body please do so through the below email address:

Brian McCarthy - Chair of Governors
David Milton
Jacqueline Holmes
Vicki Morrall (Headteacher)
Charlotte Garratt
Sandra Munday
Siobhan Wright


Chair of Governors - Mr Brian McCarthy

Jacqueline Holmes.


Jacque moved to Ickwell in 1998 with her husband and two daughters (who unfortunately were both too old to join Northill).


She became a Trustee of Ickwell Village Hall and also volunteers for Ickwell Cricket Club and Ickwell and Old Warden Football Club.


Jacque worked in the Education sector since 1988, primarily in further education and higher education, initially as a Lecturer and then in a management capacity as a Head of Department and a Deputy Faculty Manager.  She ended her employment in education as a Careers Adviser in an Alternative Academy for 11-16 year olds excluded from mainstream education, retiring in February 2022.


Jacque joined the Board in April 2022.  She is committed to the wellbeing and education of the children and as a member of the community, is keen to ensure the links between the school, community and church are strong.

David Milton


David was born in Northill way back in the 1940’s. He is a former pupil of Northill School as were previous generations of his family since the school first opened in the mid 19th century. Subsequently his three children and five grandchildren have also attended the school.

He is a retired Financial Accountant and was first appointed to the School Governors by Northill Parish Council in 1979. He has now served as Governor with 45 years unbroken service devoting hundreds of hours to the running and wellbeing of the school.

He has also served as a Parish Councillor on Northill Parish Council with unbroken service for 45 years spending many years as Chairman. He is currently Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

He is also Chairman of Ickwell Village Hall Trustees since taking over in 2001.

Treasurer of Ickwell May Day Committee since 1979 also current Chairman.

Chairman of Northill P3 Group (Parish Paths Partnership) and a founder member since the formation over 25 years ago.

A Trustee of the Peter Maudlin Charitable Trust.

Vice President of Ickwell Cricket Club, Old Warden Cricket Club and Ickwell and Old Warden Football Club.

Dedicated to the Parish of Northill.

Sandra Munday


LGB Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding, Website compliance, Sports Premium, Pupil Enrichment, Educational Visits

Sandra is very experienced in the field of Education and currently supports other Trust governing boards as their clerk. She has a keen interest in Early Years having worked as the Office Manager for Bedford Nursery Schools Federation for 20 years. She has a solid background in all aspects of School Business Administration.

Sandra has three grown up sons and enjoys spending time with them and going away on holiday.