School Meals
Our school meals are provided by Aspens Catering. Families order and pay for meals using an online system; please contact the school office if you need help using this. Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are all entitled to Free School Meals.
Pupils in households where qualifying benefits are received may also be eligible for Free School Meals. Visit the Central Bedfordshire Council Website to find out if you are eligible and apply.
Our current menu can be found below:
Special Dietary Requirements Form
We actively promote healthy eating, so encourage parents to provide a healthy packed lunch for their child. Fizzy drinks, chocolate, sweets or crisps should not be included in a child's packed lunch.
We are a nut and poultry free school, due to children with allergies. Please do not include any food items with these ingredients in packed lunches.
Milk is provided by Cool Milk and is free of charge to children under 5 and is subsidised for children over 5.
To register your child for free milk, or to purchase milk for your child, please visit :Cool Milk
The school actively encourages children to drink water at lunchtime and throughout the day. Your child will need to bring a named water bottle to fill and use during the day.
All children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 have free fruit and/or vegetables during break times. If you would like to provide your child with a snack please can you ensure that it is a piece of fruit or vegetable.