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Northill CE Academy

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Venus Class LKS2

Welcome to Venus Class


On this page you can find out more about what your child is learning this half term at school. 


PE will continue to be on a Monday and Wednesday. 



The expectation is that you will read at home at least 3 times a week for 15 min (Yr3) and 20 min (Yr4). The children will complete TT Rock Stars at least 3 times a week for 5 min each time in Year 3 and Follow the MTC TTRS timetable provided for Year 4.

There will be a spelling, punctuation and grammar worksheet to consolidate and embed the learning at school alongside practising the 5 given spellings at least 3 times on separate occasions.



This half term we will continue our study of the skeleton and Muscles through non-fictional text, ‘An Anthology of Intriguing Animals by Ben Hoare’. We will work look at the structure and features of non-fictional text and the importance of being precise and concise, whilst ensuring the information given is appropriate, uses the correct features and are linked correctly. 

This topic will be followed by a second non-fictional topic looking at the life and achievements of Nicola Tesla, through his autobiography ‘My Inventions’. We will look, compare and discuss the similarities and differences of the two non-fictional texts.


Guided Reading

We are using Comprehension Ninja programme which has been designed to be an essential resource for teaching reading comprehension skills and building pupil confidence. The scheme focus on information retrieval, using core comprehension skills that underpin the reading domains set out by the National Curriculum.



Our key focus for this term will be Multiplication and Division, we will focus on understanding the being able to apply their knowledge to their learning. They will then move to finding the length and perimeter of a given shape using and applying their learning of multiplication and division word problems. We will then move directly onto fractions, again fractions use the fundamental skills of multiplication and division. Finally, we will the use these skills to apply them to Mass and Capacity, again reading scales uses multiplication and divisional skills.



We are focusing on classification and distinctions of ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ for the first four weeks. We will then move on to Forces friction and magnetism, where we will loot and positive and negative poles.



We are Studying ‘Roman Britain’ we will be working on our research and comprehensions skills through gathering evidence, looking at the hierarchy and discuss the similarities and differences of life today, and the impact the Roman invasion and inventions impact our lives today.



We will begin our new topic based on cloth, thread and paint and how these can be used to produce artwork. We are looking beyond paper and investigating how our lives are full of art using a variety of media and materials.



We will be looking at what makes a family a family and a community and how this reaches beyond being related. We will look at what links people together in locality, religion, clubs and our workplace. We will look a variety of communities and discuss their similarities and differences.



We will be looking at sequencing sounds, events and actions in programmes. This will include looking at a set of sequencing and repetitive movements and comparing how this is equivalent to a computer programme. The children will be introduced to Scratch, and they will learn to write their own programme that includes sequencing, ordering commands and embellishing their programme. 



Multi-Skills Football, Rugby and Dance will be the focuses of the PE lessons this half term. The children will continue to increase their ball skills, including accuracy and kicking. They will learn to link skills and movements to increase their mobility and skill.



The children will be composing music using their imagination through the Charanga programme. They will learn to express their feelings and emotions through music.



We will be focusing on learning about the Sikh and Hindu Faith, with key focus on looking at how faith is expressed in different faiths, communities and traditions. We will discuss how having knowledge of other faiths allows us to have a greater understanding of the multicultural Britain.



This half term we will be focusing on French Food. We will look at bakery, butchery, café and supermarket foods. We will look at our pronunciation. We will revisit and revise previous learning by building sentences and verbal conversations. We will continue to learn through songs, stories, poetry and rhyme as well as in the written form. 


Ways you can help at home

Please read as much as possible with your children, allow them to read for pleasure and encourage them to use subtitles when using screen. There have been many studies compiled that identify the benefits of subtitles supporting reading, spelling and punctuation use. 


Ensure that you are supporting their spelling and times tables practise either through TTRS, apps and written practise. 


Try to encourage your children to present their work with pride and using cursive handwriting, to build consistency and fluency. 


Please ask you child about their day and what they have learnt, those conversations are fundamental in embedding their learning at home. Check dojo to ensure that all messages and work shared is celebrated.


Key Links to useful websites