About Our School
‘You will shine among them like stars in the sky’
Philippians 2:15
At Northill CE Academy we want all our children to flourish and have the brightest futures, each one nurtured individually to be a guiding light with a unique sparkle. We teach one another to live with kindness and respect. We help our children to understand that with courage and perseverance they can excel.
Love, Compassion, Respect, Courage, Excellence
Through our core Christian values we want to ensure that our school is a place which enables children to learn and play, feel safe, happy and valued, where they are able to flourish and experience God’s wonderful world in all its fullness. We aim to provide rich, memorable learning experiences which build character in each individual child, inspire their learning and provoke curiosity. Strong relationships underpin all we do where we value and respect each other’s uniqueness. We provide space for all children to flourish and be the best they can be. Our Christian ethos nurtures personal beliefs and attitudes, which enables all to seek meaning through life’s journey.
We shine brightly by…
Showing Love –We think about others before ourselves
Being Compassionate –‘Standing in someone else’s shoes’ and being kind
Being Respectful –Valuing everyone and everything and celebrating our differences.
Being Courageous – We are brave, prepared to try new things and will stand up for what is right
Aiming for Excellence – by living our values, we show excellence in our behaviour and learning