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Northill CE Academy

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We are proud that our children wear a smart uniform that identifies them with our school. In order to accommodate the differences in seasonal weather, we have a summer and winter uniform. Our amazing location enables us to use the outdoor environment to its full potential and children regularly go for walks in the wood and therefore wellington boots and waterproof clothing are required. Northill branded clothing (T-shirts, jumpers/cardigans and PE bags), can be ordered using the link below.  Please ensure that your child's name is clearly marked in all of their school uniform and PE kit.


Order your uniform here: 

Our School uniform Policy:


Winter uniform


Grey skirt or pinafore dress or grey trousers

Royal blue or white blouse or polo shirt

Northill blue (royal blue) sweatshirt or cardigan

Grey, black or white tights or long socks

Plain black shoes or trainers (No logo’s or visible markings please)



Summer uniform


Blue and white checked cotton dress or grey trousers or shorts

Royal blue or white blouse or polo shirt

Northill blue (royal blue) sweatshirt or cardigan

Grey, black or white tights or socks



PE and games - Summer/ Good weather:


Royal blue Northill t-shirt

Black shorts

Plimsolls or plain black trainers (No logo’s or visible markings please)



Winter/ Poor weather:


Northill blue (royal blue) sweatshirt or fleece

Royal blue Northill t-shirt

Black shorts

Plain black trainers (No logo’s or visible markings please)

Plain black or blue tracksuit bottoms

Warm jumper/top (in addition to sweatshirt)



In addition, we request that all pupils also have the following in school, this will allow continuous use of our outdoor provision, all year round:


Northill blue (royal blue) or plain black or grey sunhat

Northill blue (royal blue) or plain black or grey woolly hat and gloves

Wellington boots

Northill blue (royal blue) or plain black or grey waterproof overalls

Need help with school uniform?


At Northill we ensure that there are no barriers to attending our school. Our Uniform Policy does not dictate that any of the uniform needs to include the school logo, therefore ensuring all parents have the choice to purchase branded uniform through our supplier as well as source uniform from local supermarkets and shops. 


In school, we have a number of pieces of donated uniform from past students, as well as lots of unclaimed 'lost property'. Parents are given opportunities throughout the year to 'take what you need' from our uniform supplies. If at any time you need support with uniform, please do let us know and we will be more than happy to supply second hand uniform free of charge.