Useful Learning Links
Useful Learning Links
At Northill, we use every resource available to support and enhance our children's learning opportunities.
For more information on the specific websites that are being used by your children please visit their class pages.
Below you will find information on the websites and links to log on.
Class Dojo
Class dojo is part of our school behaviour management policy and focuses on recognising the positive behaviour choices. Alongside awarding children with points, we use class dojo as a way to communicate. If you have a non-urgent message for the class teacher you can use the messaging tool. You will get insights into your child's learning through the class story and information regarding school events via the whole school story.
Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths programme that takes all the worry out of learning times tables and has a proven track record of boosting children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division.
This website requires a log-in which your child will get from their class teacher. The website is used during the school day and features as part of homework for Venus Class.
Oxford Owl
Oxford owl is a website which provided advice and support for parents, educational activities and games along with a free e-book library for 3 to 11 year olds. The Oxford Owl for home you can sign up for a free parent login to access all the resources.