The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) is a non-ministerial department of the UK government, reporting to Parliament via the Department for Education.
Ofsted is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools. It also inspects childcare, adoption and fostering agencies and initial teacher training, and regulates a range of early years and children’s social care services. We are inspected by Ofsted and the results of our last inspection can be downloaded using the link below.
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about Northill CE Academy, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.
Ofsted will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect and when. It is simple to access parent view by visiting the Ofsted Parent View web page.