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Northill CE Academy

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Aspire, Believe, Together we Achieve! stars (Philippians 2:15)

Welcome To Our School

At Northill CE Academy we want all our children to flourish and have the brightest futures, each one nurtured individually to be a guiding light with a unique sparkle. We teach one another to live with kindness and respect. We help our children to understand that with courage and perseverance they can excel.

Read more about us


We love Northill Academy because it’s like a family. The kids all know each other regardless of year group, as do the parents and teachers, making it a really supportive and lovely place to be.

Katherine O'Shea (Parent)

It is a lovely school, we get to learn more, make mistakes and learn from them.

Hallie (Year 2)

We all join together to build our school community in kindness.

Alfred and Sadie (Y4)

Being part of the trust gives us extra special opportunities.

Sebastian (Y5)

It is fun to learn new things and we keep trying even if something is hard.

Anabella (Y3)

We love the art table and the farm. We are getting really good at our writing because Mr White and Mrs Robinson really help us.

Henry and Myla (EYFS)

Teachers help me to make my brain stronger to help me get better and better every day.

Rory (Y1)

Northill CE Academy, Bedford Road, Northill, Biggleswade SG18 9AH

Northill CE Academy